KiCad 社区官宣了 2023 KiCon Asia 将于 11 月 12 日在深圳召开

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KiCad 介绍

KiCad EDA 是一款开源的电子设计自动化(EDA)软件,基于 GPLv3 开源协议,最初由法国人 Jean-Pierre Charras 于 1992 年推出,现由 KiCad 开源社区维护。

KiCad 提供了一个完整的设计流程,从原理图到 PCB 布局,以及 3D 模型和 BOM 生成。KiCad支持多种文件格式,可以与其他EDA软件兼容,并且可以在多种操作系统上运行,包括 Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS X,软件包含工程项目管理、原理图设计、线路板绘制、符号库设计、封装库设计、线路板 3D 显示、Gerber 查看、线路板实用计算等工具。

KiCad的用户界面友好,易于使用,拥有丰富的功能,可以满足电子设计师的需求,KiCad 目前支持英语、法语、德语、意大利语、中文、日语、韩语、俄文等 22 种语言版本,方便全球开发人员使用。

KiCad 3d

KiCad pcb


会议概览(Conference Outline)

在欧洲 KiCon 大获成功的基础上,我们非常高兴地宣布首届亚洲 KiCad 大会将在全球电子中心的中心地带中国深圳举行。请在 2023 年 11 月 12 日星期日的日历上做好标记,我们将邀请您参加从上午 9:00 到下午 6:00 的全天 KiCad 启蒙活动。我们的活动拥有充满活力的主讲人阵容,其中包括受人尊敬的 KiCad 核心开发人员 Wayne Stambaugh 以及 Seth Hillbrand,以及从经验丰富的专家到热情洋溢的新手等各种 KiCad 社区的参与者。由 华秋 NextPCB 慷慨赞助的 “Simple-Add-On hat” 动手实践环节将把当天的活动推向高潮。欲了解更多详情,请浏览以下信息。我们热切期待您参加这次具有里程碑意义的 KiCad 聚会。

Building on the resounding success of the European KiCon, we are thrilled to announce the inaugural Asian KiCad Conference, set to take place in the heart of the global electronics hub, Shenzhen, China. Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 12th, 2023, as we invite you to immerse yourself in a full day of KiCad enlightenment, from 9:00 AM until approximately 6:00 PM. Our event boasts a dynamic lineup of keynote speakers, including esteemed KiCad developers, Wayne Stambaugh and Seth Hillbrand, complemented by a diverse array of presenters spanning the spectrum of KiCad proficiency, from seasoned experts to enthusiastic newcomers. The day will culminate with a captivating hands-on session dedicated to crafting a Simple-Add-On hat, generously sponsored by HQ NextPCB. For further details, please explore the information provided below. We eagerly anticipate your participation in this landmark KiCad gathering.


  • 09:00 活动签到 Registration
  • 09:20 开幕致辞 Introductions
  • 09:30 主题演讲:KiCad 2023 by Wayne Stambaugh
  • 10:00 Morning speakers
  • 10:30 如何从现有的 EDA 工具迁移到 KiCad (Migrating to KiCad: how to use design and libraries from your existing EDA tool)
  • 11:00 Morning speakers
  • Lunch
  • 13:30 提升您的自定义设计规则 (Level up your custom design rules) by Seth Hillbrand
  • 14:00 Afternoon speakers
  • 14:30 Afternoon speakers
  • 15:00 Afternoon speakers
  • 15:30 与开发者面对面 (Talking to developers)
  • 16:00-18:00 设计你自己的 Simple-Add-On Hat (Design up your own Simple-Add-On Hat)


会议门票(Conference Tickets)

我们已尽量降低票价。 由于 华秋 NextPCB 的赞助,您可以从以下网站以 99 元人民币或 15 美元的低价购买门票:

门票包含简易的午餐及茶歇及神秘伴手礼。剩余费用将捐赠给 KiCad 社区。

We have tried to make the cost as low as possible. Due to the sponsorship of HQNextPCB, Tickets can be purchased for the low cost of RMB99, or US$15, from:  or  via Eventbright:

Tickets include a light lunch,refreshment breaks and a secret souvenir. Rest will be donated to KiCad community.

希望在 KiCon 上演讲?(Want to Speak at the Shenzhen KiCon?)

您有想与其他 KiCad 用户分享的内容吗? 我们正在寻找基于最终用户和开发人员的分享。 您可以 在此申请.

Have something you would like to share with other KiCad people? We are looking for end user and developer based presentations. You can apply here



地址:深圳市福田区上梅林中康路 136 号新一代产业园 4 栋 17 楼阿里云创新中心。

Aliyun Innovation Center

17th Floor, Building 4, New Generation Industrial Park, 146 Zhongkang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen


前往会场(Getting There)

深圳北站:新一代产业园距深圳北站大约 7 公里(3 站地铁)。打车 15 分钟左右或 4 号线 20 分钟左右直达

宝安机场:距宝安机场 35 公里,打车 45 分钟左右

香港:乘距福田口岸 5 站地铁;距罗湖口岸 10 站地铁

自驾:导航定位至新一代产业园停车场 – P3 出入口



上梅林地铁站下,从 B 出口出。向北步行至荣耀(Honor)标志的大楼后右转。继续步行至 4 栋(有一个荣耀服务点)。M 层或 1 层都可以乘坐电梯直达 17 楼。

From Shenzhen North Railway Station: New Generation Industrial Park is 7 kilometers or 3 metro stops away from Shenzhen North Railway Station (深圳北). It takes about 15 minutes by taxi or 20 minutes by metro.

From Baoan Airport: 35 kilometers from Shenzhen Baoan Airport and takes about 45 minutes by taxi.

From Hong Kong: 5 stops from the Futian (福田) checkpoint and 10 stops from Luohu (罗湖) checkpoint

Drive: Navigate to the NextGen Park parking lot – P3 Entrance/Exit

Subway: Take line 4 or line 9 and get off at Shangmeilin Station (上梅林). Then walk 400 meters to Building 4.


At Shangmeilin station, take exit B, walk up the road and turn right on the shiny blue building with the Honor logo on top. Keep walking until you reach Building 4 with the Honor repair shop. Click here for a pdf copy of direction guide.

The area has not been updated on Google maps!
You can search for ‘New Generation Information Technology Industrial Park’ for general navigation.

Simple-Add-On PCB Workshop

我们为与会者预留了长达两个小时的时间来设计自己的 SAO PCB。 这项活动由 HQNextPCB 赞助。目的是让大家在使用 KiCAD 的过程中获得一些创造性的乐趣。 通过使用不同的 PCB 层和制造工艺,我们可以制作出一些有趣的小型 PCB。请携带一些 SVG 图样或草图来设计您的 PCB。

如果有足够多的人以前没有使用过 KiCAD 软件,这段时间还可以举办一个 “KiCAD 软件使用入门 “的小型研讨会。

注:如您有兴趣参与活动,请自行携带笔记本电脑(提前安装 KiCad 7)

有关简单 Simeple-Add-On(SAO)接口的更多信息可点击下方链接。

We have set aside up to two hours for attendees to design up their own SAO PCB.  This is sponsored by HQNextPCB. The object here is to have some creative fun with KiCAD.  By using the various PCB layers and manufacturing processes we can create some small interesting and fun PCB’s. Bring along some SVG artwork or sketches for your PCB design.

This time period might also provide time for a small workshop on an ‘Introduction to Using the KiCAD Software’ if there are enough people that haven’t used it before.

Notice:If you have interested in this event, please bring your laptop with KiCad 7 installed.

Some more information about the Simple-Add-On (SAO) interface:



深圳制造之旅(Shenzhen Manufacturing Tour)

在 2023 年 11 月 13 日(周一),Seeed Studio将会组织一场的深圳制造之旅。在这一天的旅途中,Seeed Fusion团队将会带领您参观三家不同的工厂,分别是矽递科技敏捷制造中心、PCB制造工厂和模具加工厂。参观者不仅可以感受到智能设备和制造流程的运作,还能了解深圳在智能制造和创新科技领域所做出的贡献。

The organizer of Shenzhen Makerfaire-Seeed Studio is putting on a manufacturing tour on Monday, the 13th November 2023. You can find more about the tour here:

Sign up for the tour:
It would be best to wear enclosed shoes for the tour. There is a limited number of seats, so sign up ASAP.



会场附近有不少可选的酒店,步行即可至会场。您也可以选择居住在福田中心区域,那里有更多的酒店选择。 我们中的一些人将住在科学博物馆地铁站附近,那里离华强北电子市场很近,只需一站地铁或大约 1 公里。

There are a number of available hotels within walking distance of the venue. You may also choose to stay in the central Futian area where there are more hotel options..  Some of us will be staying around the Science Museum Metro Station area which is close, one Metro stop or around 1km to the HQB electronic markets.


其它活动(Other Local Events)

深圳创客峰会将于 11 月 11 日和 12 日举行,而中国国际高新技术成果交易会将于 2023 年 11 月 15 日至 18 日举行,这将有助于把 KiCAD 和对电子产品感兴趣的人带到深圳,使其成为在亚洲举办首届 KiCAD 深圳 2023 小型会议的有利时机。 如果您有时间,并且对大型机械感兴趣,11 月 27-30 日将举办大亚湾工业博览会。 我们将组织一小群人参观这些活动以及深圳周边地区的其他科技活动。

Due to the Shenzhen Makerfaire being held on the 11th and 12th and the China Hi-Tech Fair on the 15th-18th of November 2023, this will help bring KiCAD and people interested in Electronics to Shenzhen making this an auspicious time to host the first KiCAD Shenzhen 2023 mini-conference in Asia. If you have the time, and are interested in large machines, there is the Greater Bay Industrial Expo being held on the 27th – 30th November. There will be a small group of us touring these and other local nightly tech events on around Shenzhen.

  •  – 深圳创客大会 SZ Makerfaire – 11-12 Nov 2023
  •  – 中国高交会 China Hi Tech Fair – 15th-18th Nov 2023
  • – 大湾区工业博览会 Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo – 27-30 Nov 2023



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