LiteIDE X38.2 正式发布。
- 更新 gotools & gocode,修复泛型代码查找和代码完成。
- 重构 Go 类视图和大纲视图,支持泛型显示。
- 更新 Delve 调试插件,增加反汇编视图,修复 windows 下退出错误。
### 2023.02.14 Ver X38.2
* LiteIDE
* fix and update gotools & gocode
* refactor astview outline
* update dlv debugger plugin
* GolangAst
* new outline view by pos
* support typeparams
* LiteDebug
* add disassemble view
* DlvDebugger
* fix generics func sync
* fix dlv process exit on windows
* refactor gorountines model
* support disassemble model
* LiteBuild
* GolangEdit
* support any and comparable
* GolangCode
* support any and comparable
* gotools
* types fix find obj field
* types fix object string
* gotest fix run test file use -run mode
* astview add new -outline for outline
* astview add new -tp for typeparams
* astview fix interface embedded type
* gocode
* fix identifier comparable
* update lookup object