PHP 的三个分支发布了新版本,分别是 7.4.32, 8.0.24 & 8.1.11,更新内容主要是修复错误和安全问题。
PHP 7.4.32
此版本解决了特殊构造的 phar 文件的无限递归问题,并阻止了 __Host/__Secure HTTP header 的变量名称混用的冲突。建议所有使用 PHP 7.4 系列的开发者升级至此版本。
- Fixed bug #81726: phar wrapper: DOS when using quine gzip file. (CVE-2022-31628)
- Fixed bug #81727: Don't mangle HTTP variable names that clash with ones that have a specific semantic meaning. (CVE-2022-31629)
PHP 8.1.11
- Fixed bug #81726: phar wrapper: DOS when using quine gzip file. (CVE-2022-31628)
- Fixed bug #81727: Don't mangle HTTP variable names that clash with ones that have a specific semantic meaning. (CVE-2022-31629)
- Fixed bug GH-9323 (Crash in ZEND_RETURN/GC/zend_call_function) (Tim Starling)
- Fixed bug GH-9361 (Segmentation fault on script exit #9379).
- Fixed bug GH-9447 (Invalid class FQN emitted by AST dump for new and class constants in constant expressions).
PHP 8.0.24
- Fixed bug GH-9323 (Crash in ZEND_RETURN/GC/zend_call_function) (Tim Starling)
- Fixed bug GH-9361 (Segmentation fault on script exit #9379).
- Fixed bug GH-9407 (LSP error in eval'd code refers to wrong class for static type).
- Fixed bug #81727: Don't mangle HTTP variable names that clash with ones that have a specific semantic meaning. (CVE-2022-31629)
详情查看 Changelog。